Garden Clubs in many
cities use Crape Myrtles in their civic projects. (Feel
free to e-mail (
us any Photos
you may have of your Garden Club using Crape Myrtles in a project and we will
post the pictures on this Web Site...make sure you include the Name of your
Garden Club and your City along with the photo.
You're looking at the busiest "Crape Myrtle" Web Site on the Internet
so if you want your Garden Club to receive maximum exposure send us those
The Gainesville Garden Club
Created and Maintains "Crape Myrtle Alley" a busy but very attractive
boulevard in the heart of Gainesville. Most sizes of Crapes are used in a
kaleidoscope of colors. Note the Tall Trees, Medium Trees, and Dwarf Trees. Most
impressive is the correct pruning and care at the base of the trees

Gainesville's Crape Myrtle Alley
sponsored by the active Gainesville Garden Club

Crape Myrtle Alley (click
photo for full size)

Variety 'Acoma' a cold hardy
Weeping White Dwarf Tree(to 12') type